Welcome to Our Educational Resources

On this website you will find tips and tricks for hybrid teaching. With the toolbox, we would like to support you in efficiently informing yourself about various teaching tips that you can implement both in presence and hybrid. We have put together the appropriate (stud.IP) tools, step-by-step handouts, experiences and an estimate of the effort involved. Additionally, you will find links to additional material and academic articles for further reading on some teaching tips.

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Eight Didactical Building Blocks

These 8 building blocks cover didactically important elements of a hybrid course and form the basis of the teaching tips. Each teaching tip is assigned to one or more didactical building block. Hence, you can use the didactical building blocks as a rough checklist or grid to obtain practical tips for the course elements of hybrid teaching that are relevant to you. Using the details of the teaching tips, you can then assess the added value of the methods for your class, and the effort and preparation time of your (hybrid) course more precisely.

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Human Touch

Actually, 'Human touch' refers to the physical contact between people and it plays a crucial role in human communication and well-being. Here, we provide tips and tricks to bridge the digital gap in class to convey comfort, support, and a welcoming atmosphere.

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Teaching Material

Teaching material refers to resources and tools used by educators to facilitate learning. This includes textbooks, worksheets, presentations, videos, and educational software, all designed to enhance understanding and provide a structure for learning.

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In the context of a lecture, 'organization' refers to the structured planning and arrangement of content and activities to ensure effective delivery and comprehension. Proper organization helps maintain the flow of the lecture, keeps students engaged, and facilitates a better understanding of the material being presented.

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What interactive methods are there for teachers and learners to talk about a specific topic, exchange opinions and weigh up arguments? After all, this collaborative process encourages the exploration of complex topics from different perspectives, articulating and clarifying thoughts, communicating ideas clearly and convincingly and actively participating.

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How can tasks be optimized and what information is needed to check and deepen the understanding and application of what has been learned?

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Student Engagement

How can we engage students? Student engagement is reflected in behavior, emotional affect, and cognitive engagement: participation in class and discussions; positive relationships with classmates; interest and enjoyment in learning; and is also reflected in the use of effort and strategies to promote deeper understanding and critical thinking.

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Tips on online assessments, appropriate assessment items and developing assessment standards that are consistent and fair for all learners, regardless of the learning format.

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Rules & Regulations

Which tools are allowed and how may I use them? What can I expect from my students to use and what not?


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What We Do

Why hybrid teaching in the first place?

With hybrid teaching, you can meet the various requirements that a diverse student body brings with it and thus make it easier to combine studying and family life, for example. In view of the different learning habits of students and the limited housing market in Osnabrück or visa processing times, it makes sense to be prepared for hybrid formats in order to be able to react flexibly in new teaching-learning settings.

Digitale Lehre @ UOS

More teaching tips, events about trending topics in education and in AI as well updates about technology supported by VirtUOS are published on the Digitale Lehre @ UOS website. Have a look at the events or get in touch in our Lehrkolleg colloquium, Ideenpool or Praxisdialog.