Human Touch

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What is Human Touch?

Your course has a human touch when you see each other as real persons online, e.g. by discussing:

  • topics that intrigue you
  • extracurricular activities
  • social engagement in the study program
  • ideas for courses or study projects
  • personal or unique aspects about oneself that help others to perceive your character

Why Does it Matter?

Learning and teaching are more valuable, effective and worthwhile when we interact with others. Being in touch with others can often prevent students from dropping a course and keeps their interest in the topic. Particularly online students need opportunities to address topics that are not directly related to the topic of the course to feel part of a study group.

Everybody differs in their need for proximity, distance, duration and change. What kind of expressions are authentic for you? Be attentive for your students’ desire for ‘leaner’ or ‘richer’ interaction modes. Human Touch

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