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What About Assessing Online?

Online assessment is ideal for checking metacognition incrementally, such as in (reflection) portfolios. Pairing continuous and process-oriented assessment with questioning the students' decision-making process may help to detect AI-generated results. There is no remedy against cheating, but you can support your students by developing course goals together with your students and emphasizing the importance of self-directed learning. If you provide clear learning goals students can use them to check their progress and focus on acquiring the skills and knowledge covered in your course.

What Do I Have to Take Into Account?

  • Provide opportunities to be assessed online.
  • International students (like in the COSMOS program) can reside in different time zones.
  • Online students must have the chance to attend synchronous assessments like oral exams in their local time zone from 8:00 to 20:00.

Teaching Tips

Reflection portfolio (for Individual Assessment)

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Grading Rubric

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Assignment Checklist

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Oral exam

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