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What Do I Have to Organize for Teaching Online?

Thoroughly plan your course, including:

  • Interaction components
  • Classroom norms
  • Course structure
  • Feedback loops
  • Teaching mode
  • Assessment

Communicate all organizational information upfront and make them asynchronously accessible in a prominent place. This way, you support your students in planning study times, you accommodate to working hours of student jobs and compensate missing classroom norms. This helps to create a study “rhythm” that on-site students might get from attending courses, which is an important factor for effective online teaching and learning (Martin, Ritzhaupt, Kumar & Budhrani, 2019) .

Why Does it Matter?

  • Online students are often not as connected to fellow students as on-site students.
  • Online students often miss important information shared on-site along the semester.
  • Students live in diverse circumstances and they might differ in:
    • Having a designated study place or not
    • Family obligations
    • Political or financial factors
    • Working hours
    • Focus time
    • (Cultural) Classroom norms

Give complete, exact information (incl. teaching mode) available at the start of the semester concerning: - Course information: meeting days and time for courses with synchronous meetings - ECTS - Teaching staff contact information - Instructional modality, as a way to help students understand how the course is designed - Course description - Learning outcomes / course goals - Prerequisites: „linear algebra“ is too vague. Please list the prerequisites concisely, i.e. in a way that students can check if they need to brush up the prerequisites. You can list UOS or external courses that cover the prerequisites. - Assignments - Learning resources, technology/ tools used readings - Grading scale

Teaching Tips

Courseware Learning Material

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