Teaching Material

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What Counts as Teaching Material?

  • Presentations
  • Readings
  • Files
  • Programs
  • Videos
  • Software

Online students need teaching material to be available online and asynchronously, which includes lecture recordings that are uploaded afterwards). Please make sure that every student has access to the required readings and software. Please also check the GDPR-compliance of software that you are using in your classes as well as the accessibility, since certain programs, websites or software is unavailable in some countries. Double check accessibility for residence countries of your students.

Why Does it Matter?

It is best to enable your students to study in their own pace and daytime, since you don't know your students' study circumstances.

"Since the COSMOS-program opened the Cognitive Science Master for online students from any time zone, any single and synchronous time slot would exclude one of the students. \ n\nSome countries do not have access to certain widely used services and many educational tools are hosted in non-EU countries. Please check the GDPR-compliance or use suggestions in this toolbox or on Digitale Lehre @ UOS."

Teaching Tips

Learning Objectives Checklist

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Content Captions

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Micro lectures

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Concept map

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